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2 مشترك

    Steve Jobs and The Secret of The Bitten Apple-Ahmad Magazine


    عدد المساهمات : 3
    القوة : 3
    تاريخ التسجيل : 12/01/2012

    Steve Jobs and The Secret of The Bitten Apple-Ahmad Magazine Empty Steve Jobs and The Secret of The Bitten Apple-Ahmad Magazine

    مُساهمة من طرف mahjoubzz 15/01/12, 04:52 pm

    He was born lonely on one of the California cities. He was adopted. He studies at winter time, and he works at an apple field in the summer vacation. He had a penchant for electronics , and how machines work. At his young age, he invented a micro chip, and it was the first invention he made. He didn't continue his studies in the university since he failed his first year and also because of his bad financial conditions. Then he met his partner "Steve Wizinyak", and they became best friends. They started selling their own stuff, and they made their own company for creating personal laptops, and the company was in the garage of his family. They faced alot of pressure, and people started criticizing them. But he insisted to get the laptop to the electronic shops even though his partner gave up. His insistance changed the opinions of the people towards the laptops, and the company sold 130,000 laptop. He is Steve Jobs, the creator of the company "Apple" Macintosh, the man that doesn't have any diploma or a certificate nor a job or money. So apple became his hobby and his job. Jobs died, and left for us a bitten apple that symbolize to the fruit of knowledge that we start biting it gradually.Smile
    سحر اللبان
    سحر اللبان
    مدير عام
    مدير عام

    عدد المساهمات : 442
    القوة : 31
    تاريخ التسجيل : 03/01/2010
    الموقع : http://saaid.net/daeyat/saharlabban/index.htm

    Steve Jobs and The Secret of The Bitten Apple-Ahmad Magazine Empty رد: Steve Jobs and The Secret of The Bitten Apple-Ahmad Magazine

    مُساهمة من طرف سحر اللبان 15/01/12, 05:47 pm

    جميل ما وضعت يا عمر..والأجمل هو أن تترجم ما وضعت حتى تعم الفائدة على الجميع..شكرا لك عمر، نشاطك يفرحني، بارك الله فيك. sunny

    عدد المساهمات : 3
    القوة : 3
    تاريخ التسجيل : 12/01/2012

    Steve Jobs and The Secret of The Bitten Apple-Ahmad Magazine Empty رد: Steve Jobs and The Secret of The Bitten Apple-Ahmad Magazine

    مُساهمة من طرف mahjoubzz 15/01/12, 08:57 pm

    Insha'Allah i'll transalte it tomorrow:-)

      الوقت/التاريخ الآن هو 27/07/24, 03:37 am